Eureka's Body Of Jesus The Christ Ministries

About Us

Articles Of Faith

  1. We believe the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible of the 1611 addition to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. And that there are other writings that fill in the gaps of the missing dialog.
  2. We believe in one God, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existent in three persons: Father, Christ and Holy Spirit
  3. We believe in the full deity and humanity of Christ Jesus.
  4. We believe that through divine creation, in a literal six-day period of God, all life and matter came into being.
  5. We believe the real, historical fall of man in the Garden of Eden, resulting in humankind being under the wrath and curse of God. Hence, all men are born with a sinful nature, are spiritually dead, and under judgement, needing salvation.
  6. We believe that justification before God comes by grace through faith in the substitutionary atonement of Christ apart from our own works.
  7. We believe in the literal physical resurrection of Jesus through Christ in a glorified body and His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, from where He rules the universe and intercedes for His people.
  8. We believe in the Church’s (Body of Christ) obligation to live under the lordship of Christ by obeying His Commandments, upholding Holiness unto God, godliness as set forth in the Bible, and to evangelize and spread His kingdom by making obedient disciples of all nations.
  9. We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers within the body of Christ.
  10. We believe in the literal second coming of Christ, a final judgment of all men by God, and an actual, eternal Heaven and Hell.

Pastoral Staff

Overseeing Senior Pastor Dr. Herman D. Brown, PhD., DTh.

While Serving In The Military Dr. Brown (Doc) Earned Two Doctoral Degrees. He Earned His Doctorate In Liberal Arts From Michigan State University And His Doctorate In Biblical Theology Under The Late Charles Stanley In 1968 From The University Of Louisiana. 

Dr. Brown Is A Church Planter. He’s Planted Many Churches In The U.S. And Abroad, Most Of Which Included A Bible College That He Started Along With The Church. He Belives Strongly In Fully Equipping The Saints  To Carry On The Work Of  The Lord. Before Coming To Eureka, Doc Founded Dunnigan’s Body Of Jesus The Christ In 2010. 

Now In Eureka, Doc And His Wife Pastor Dawnyale Brown Are Establishing Eureka’s Body Of Jesus The Christ Along With It’s Bible College, Eureka’s Certificate Of Progress Program (ECOPP).

Senior Pastor Dawnyale Brown, M.A.

Pastor Brown Studied To Become A Pastor And Earned Her Master’s Degree At Dunnigan’s Body Of Jesus The Christ Bible College. She Is Currently Working On Her Doctorate Through Mark Virkler’s Communion With God Ministries.

Although Pastor Brown Has A Background In Healthcare, She Feels A Deep Calling To The Ministry. She Is A Pastor And Teacher At Eureka’s Redwood Adult Teen Challenge, And She Has Come Along Side Her Husband In His Latest Work To Establish Eureka’s Body Of Jesus The Christ, Eureka’s COPP Bible College And Women Of The Cloth Ministry. 

Associate Pastor Glynne Duncan

Pastor Duncan And Her Husband Jeremy Are Humboldt County Natives, Born And Raised. Pastor Duncan Has Studied And Continues To Learn Under Dr. Brown. Although She Has Served As Adult Sunday School Teacher, Ladies Bible Study Teacher, Has Led Studies For Minister’s In Training, And Is Currently Superintendent Of Eureka’s COPP Bible College, She Will Admit To Always Being A Student First Who’s Just Sharing What The Lord Is Teaching Her. Pastor Duncan Loves The Lord, Loves People, Has A Passion To Share The Gospel And Serve Others. She’ll Be The First To Say That She Couldn’t Do Any Of It Without The Lord’s Abounding Grace And Power.