Eureka's Body Of Jesus The Christ

Offers Christ Centered Bible Based Counseling For Healing Of Individuals, Couples And Families
Why Is Scripture Based Counseling Best?

The written Word of God is practical, comprehensive, trustworthy and thoroughly adequate source of truth, whereas human knowledge is unable to compete with God and effectively address the issues of life. All human beings are created and designed with individual purpose by one true God. Your Heavenly Father created you as a unique individual. He knows your purpose, your strengths, and your weaknesses. He knows everything you've ever been through and He has the perfect prescription for your healing. God knows your end from your beginning. He knows your past present and future. He understands every part of you and every part of your world perfectly. He has been pleased to reveal His truth to us in His word. That is why we counsel from Gods sufficient word of truth by The Holy Spirit who leads and guides us in all spiritual truth. Dr. Brown has helped many many individuals and couples heal their pasts and move into their futures with purpose and fulfillment.

Call 707-719-2382 To Schedule An Appointment Today